Archive for the ‘article’ Category

I am going to try this with my kitty, Rebel, as soon as he wakes up from his nap.  Source of the Article Steps Arrange training session before cat’s regular mealtime. He should be a bit hungry. No need to starve the cat! Have your cat’s favorite treat on hand. Show kitty the treat. Let him/her […]  is a beginner Java tutorial site that attempts to teach basics of Java programming Language in plain English using huge number of java source code examples spread across various topics. This site is for absolute starters to learn java who do not require any prerequisite Java knowledge. This site can also be used by advanced java […]

Broken up into five parts….  HTML – The Basics Tutorial

This is for the guys… 🙂 source: American men still don’t pull their weight when it comes to housework and child care, but collectively they’re not the slackers they used to be. The average dad has gradually been getting better about picking himself up off the sofa and pitching in, according to a new […]

First I want to say, I am not into astrology much less believe it but I’m an Aries and When I found this, I was surprised by how accurate it was!! 🙂 Source: Aries is the first sign of the annual Western zodiac calendar. If you are an Aries, you were born under the sign of the […]

How to split up the file You will need to have Win-RAR to be able to do this……..1.) Find a file you want to upload that’s over 100 mb. Put the file in a folder, right click on the folder and choose the following option: Set the Size you want each part to be splitted: (Best […]

A high quality education doesn’t have to come at a high cost. In fact, it’s possible to take classes from big names like Yale, MIT, and Tufts without ever submitting an application or paying a cent in tuition. We’ve compiled 200 online classes from these and other respected institutions, and you can take all of […]

Strange yet totally effective solutions to your most common ailments I f you believe Johanna Brandt, she discovered an uncommon cure for cancer roughly 80 years ago while living in South Africa. The remedy: grapes. Bunches of them. In fact, all you can eat, because, well, grapes are all you can eat for 1 to 2 weeks, […]

 Some people may automatically think stripper, but pole dancing really is an art. So if you are looking for a fun new exercise, learning how to pole dance is a great way to get in shape. Reasons To Learn How To Pole Dance   ⇨You want a fun and new exercise routine. ⇨You want to spice […]

Have you done an evaluation of your situation lately? When you think about where you are and were last year, are you gaining ground, losing ground, or standing still? Full article….

Who should learn speed reading for the Web? Why should you learn this essential skill? Because you will find it extremely useful if you are: ◎A webmaster. You are sifting through tons of information on a daily basis. You need to be able to scan through all this information rapidly and find things of interest […]

There is nothing worse than losing your security deposit for a stupid reason so the following are things you should look into to avoid being scammed……